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What is desktop publishing?

we tell you more about it !

Desktop publishing is the set of tools allowing the automation of document production. On the one hand, whether it is for the production of commercial, management or marketing documents, you have surely already been confronted with this technique.


Indeed, desktop publishing is a real lever of communication in company which designates the capacity of the systems has :

  • Recover the company’s data


  • Incorporate and format data within dedicated models 


  • Offer an omnichannel experience by printing or distributing electronically the created documents.
Groupe de travail

Advantages of desktop publishing

Saves time

Indeed, desktop publishing allows your teams to carry out missions with higher added value by automating the capture of your documents.

Flexibility and reliability

Desktop publishing tools reduce potential typing errors. For example, they guarantee better quality and reliability in documents.


Be able to make your documents unique easily by creating a sense of ownership with your customers.

Guarantee of the homogeneity

The development of a template allows you to ensure consistency in your documents based on your visual identity.

Customers, employees, suppliers

Desktop publishing techniques can be applied to the different stakeholders of your company. For example with the elaboration of invoices, pay slips, commercial estimates etc…